Home Law How you can Add Capacity to The Laws and regulations of Magic

How you can Add Capacity to The Laws and regulations of Magic

How you can Add Capacity to The Laws and regulations of Magic

Comprehending the Laws and regulations of Magic is just a beginning. Now you have to start to use them inside your existence. With the addition of Correspondences, Affirmations and Magical Gestures for your creative work, you’ll amp in the power and produce the Laws and regulations from the World more firmly into alignment with what you’re creating.

The 4 Magical Laws and regulations are:

What The Law States of Self-discipline

What The Law States of Correspondence

What The Law States of Astral Light

What The Law States of Imagination

The 4 Correspondences of these laws and regulations are:

What The Law States of Self-discipline- fire

What The Law States of Correspondence- water.

What the law states of Astral Light-air.

What The Law States of Imagination-earth

The 4 Affirmations of these laws and regulations are:

What The Law States of Willpower’s affirmation is, I’ll.

What The Law States of Correspondence’s affirmation is, I Select.

What The Law States of Astral Light’s affirmation is, I Create.

What The Law States of Imagination’s affirmation is, I See.

Listed here are the gestures/signs developed for use whenever using the magical laws and regulations

What The Law States of Self-discipline-The Manifestation of the Willing. While you condition the affirmation, I’ll, Touch your Third Eye using the first couple of fingers of the right hands. This gesture symbolizes your mental intent.

What The Law States of Correspondence-the Manifestation of Selecting. Symbolically gesture your selecting of specific forces and attributions inside your magic work by stretching the best arm straight before you. Point to return together with your pointer finger and condition the affirmation, I Select.

What The Law States of Astral Light-The Manifestation of Creating. Produce a power ball by cupping both hands before your Solar Plexus, right hands over the left hands. While causeing this to be gesture condition the affirmation, I Create.

What The Law States of Imagination-The Manifestation of Seeing. With hands, form a triangular out of your thumbs and fingers, your fingers pointing upward. Contain the triangular over your Third Eye together with your palms out. While you result in the affirmation of, , move your arms outward and slightly up above your mind as if you had been casting a specific item out in to the World.